Friday, July 24, 2009

makes me wonder.

just read catshews very sentimental (big word, haha) blog post from may...
really makes me wonder.

so i'll try to write my own autobiography of some sort. but unlike catherine... i can't remember that far back. so i'll start with 3rd grade under the table.

i remember that i just moved from hsinchu, taiwan after one year of bilingual school there. when i first found out that i was going to move to a brand new school where i didn't know anyone, i immediately rejected the idea. i was fully prepared for a not-so-great first day of 3rd grade.

walking into the air conditioned building and into the elementary school wing of the school was something i didnt really remember, but i vividly remember walking into ms. tenebrini's classroom: no one was in the classroom except for ms. tenebrini because it was reccess time.

i don't recall much of the rest of the third grade except for being reading buddies with catherine hsu and meeting ji-eun park.

on to the rest of elementary school, i kind of grew apart from cathy. we weren't in the same class and didn't really hang out or "play" together that much. i was with ji-eun in 4th and 5th grade (i think), and went on to make some new friends (who i can't recall that well). 4th grade was a good year for me. i met michelle kao, a good friend and close neighbor who i stay in contact with to this day. my teacher, ms. biss, wasnt very warming (if you get what i mean) at first, but i later went on to like her a bit. [later on in middle school i learned that she died of cancer, which made me really think about life and death. it wast the first time i remember that someone i was close to/knew pretty well died]. 5th grade i don't remember much of. i think i became closer with jacqueline chang. i think 5th grade was also the year i really started liking guys :P. OHH 5th grade was also the year i met ashley li. i EXTREMELY VIVIDLY remember ashley holding catherine's hand and dragging her around the corner and down the stairs behind the middle school science classrooms to the track. i have no idea why. anyways, i was extremely excited for middle school.

middle school was a complicated period of time for me. i was split up into blue house (out of the two houses of blue and gold) along with catherine, ashley, and a few other friends that eventually made up our "circle". this circle consisted of many of our close friends, but the tightest circle around me included cathy, bertilia trieu, vivian chen, and olivia lin. i don't remember how or why cathy and i reconnected in middle school (we had no classes together except for fist (flexible independent study time, basically free period), but i'm very grateful and happy that we did.

i think i'll stop here. after middle school i moved to seattle, washington. catherine moved to norcal, and ashley to socal. bertilia moved to ontario, canada at the end of 7th grade, and we left vivian and olivia to fend for themselves (:P but i think they're doing well). here i began a new story (super cliche) but kept in contact with catherine and ashley. i'll blog about that sometime else :)

"yesterday i was feeling adventurous so i baked it over an open fire" -ashley


  1. ahem
    i have no recollection WHATSOEVER of HOLDING HANDS with catherine
    "dragging her"
    hm i kinda wna do a sentimental post now ..

  2. i have a very CLEAR memory of this happening... i didnt know you at the time and i was like, wtf is she doing.

    yes, write a sentimental post :)
